A 'read' is counted each time someone views a publication summary (such as the title, abstract, and list of authors), clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the full-text. Nelson Pediatric Symptom-Based Diagnosis, by Drs. Robert M. Kliegman, Patricia S. Lye, Brett Bordini, Heather Toth, and Donald Basel, uses a unique, step-by-step, symptom-based approach to differential diagnosis of diseases and disorders in children and adolescents. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics has been the world's most trusted pediatrics resource for nearly 75 years. Drs. Robert Kliegman, Bonita Stanton, Richard Behrman, and two new editors-Drs. Joseph St. Geme and Nina Schor-continue to provide the most authoritative coverage of the best approaches to care. This streamlined new edition covers the latest on genetics, neurology, infectious disease